“Like father, like son” “The family that prays together, stays together” “Home is where the heart is” “You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family” “Family is forever” “Treat your family like friends, and your friends like family” “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” “Nothing is more important than family” The problem with family, is that almost everyone has had one. Which makes almost everyone an expert. It is easy to fall prey to the bias of false consensus wherein we assume, not necessarily correctly, that there is such a thing as the “typical family” and that this “typical family” mirrors our own in terms of dynamics, values and the correct way of handling conflict at home. This bias can lead us to offer advice and support to others in times of crisis, that are relevant to our own experiences but don’t necessarily translate to a family with different values, cultural practice an...
Click here to watch a presentation that I gave on the 19th October 2023 (National Conflict Resolution Day) as part of the Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution's (SCCR) Ripples...The Power of You online events. I really enjoyed giving this presentation, though as per usual I spoke too much and we basically had to skip the Q&A which is my favourite part. One day I will learn! Mediation - A Success Story? with Alan Jeffrey, Senior Mediator, Cyrenians This event on the 19th October 10:00 is with Alan Jeffrey, Senior Mediator, Cyrenians. We are thrilled to have Alan join us on National Conflict Resolution Day. As mediation continues to grow as an alternative way to address, repair and settle conflict, more attention is being paid to how we can ensure mediation is as successful as it can be. Join Cyrenians senior mediator Alan Jeffrey in this interactive session to explore what makes mediation successful. Particularly focusing on the situations that are most suited to...